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Ann Arbor Rowing Club

HomeMCI Regatta 2011



2011 MCI Regatta. 
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cup Winners 


Mixed Masters 8+ - Rowing Families Cup
Grand Valley State  (M.Benedetti, J.Taub, T.Anderson, T.Sellmer,K.Arnold, L.Marshall, L.Adlof, H.Brinza,[J.Schaumann])   03:21.17



 Womens Masters 1x - Casa Dominick's Cup
Wyandotte (K.Krengle) 04:03.68


Womens Masters 4+ - Red Dog Cup 
Columbus (M.Briggs, K.Schulz, D.Parrish, V.Hammond,[A.Davis])  03:43.92
2nd year in a row!



Womens HS 2x - The Marie Cup
DWRA  (L.Hamilton, U.O'Connor) 04:03.5




 Womens HS 4+ - Barton Malow Cup
Dayton  (M.Switzer, J.Montesano, S.Peffley, M.O'Brien, [K.Reitzel])   03:53.04
2nd year in a row! 

Womens Open 4+ Hobbs + Black Cup
Western Reserve   (K.Trimble, R.Luken, R.Stanley, J.Sworan,  [M.Carlsen])  04:03.61





Mens HS 2x - The Dixie Memorial Cup
Dayton (G.Sebald, P.Skrobot) 03:55.43




Mens HS 4+ - Sithe Global Cup
Grand Rapids  (S.West, N.Maodush-Pitzer, J.Van Drunen,P.Lake, [K.Barnhart]) 03:43.81
2nd Year in a Row!



 Mens Masters 4+ - Worklife HR Cup
AARC (D.Crouse, M.Myers, D.Olson, R.Florka, [S. Hillegonds])  03:33.59


Mens Open 1x - Grey Goose Cup
Columbus A (R.Briggs)  03:49.69



Mens Open 8+ - MARCQI Cup
AARC/MRA (B.Roberts, P.Pannuto, F.Sedlar, R.Hall, H.Moore, J.Huebschman, M.Deighton, M.Bellefleur, [B.Poirier cox]) 02:58.77












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