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Ann Arbor Rowing Club

HomeMCI Regatta 2012



2012 MCI Regatta. 
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cup Winners 




 Men's Open 1x - MARCQI Cup
Western Reserve (B. Whitehead)


Womens Masters 4+ - Bubba Cup 
WesternReserve A  (C.Sieberth, T.Gang,J.Goodman, R.Luken, [L.Pappadakes]) 






 Womens HS 4+ - Hobbs and Black Cup

Dublin Rowing Club (M.Duckworth, T.O'Tighearnaigh,O.Gugliemotto, R.Serafy, [s.asad])

Womens Open 1x  Sea View Systems Cup
Unaffiliated  (V. Bujala)








Mens HS 4+ - Sithe Global Cup
BomberRowing Club  (B.Roberts, R.Wellings,J.Hargrove, T.Krause, [S.Theisen])



 Mens Masters 4+ - Casa Dominick Cup
AARC (D.Crouse, M.Myers, D.Olson, D. Kaczmarek, [M. Utt])  




Mixed Masters 8+ - Coach Skip Cup

AARC (C.Taft, K.Dumas, D.Kaczmarek,M.Psarouthakis, R.Florka, C.Faro, J.Goldberg, K.Cook, [R.Schultz-Purves])












ARC endeavors to make rowing accessible to the broad community.  Scholarships are available to those with financial need to support participation.

AARC is a 501(c)3 organization.  Donations made to AARC may be eligible for tax deduction.  Please check with your tax consultant.
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