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Ann Arbor Rowing Club

HomeAttendance Policy for Sweep Rowing

Attendance Policy for Sweep Rowing

Whether for recreational purposes or competition, rowing is a fitness and skill demanding team sport.  Every Masters’ program relies on the mutual commitment of rowers and coaches to these demands if it is to thrive. 


• Rowers should arrive 15 minutes prior to the practice start time.

• Attendance is expected for rowers who have pre-scheduled--this includes Open, Technical and Sculling programs, morning and evening.

• If known in advance, sweep rowers must email to seek their substitute. If you are sculling you must email the coach or  and let them know you can't make it. 

 Emergency circumstances that prevent you from meeting your pre-scheduled commitment must be communicated to the Director of Rowing Programs in advance if at all possible. 

Penalty System for unexcused absences/ no-shows

• First unexcused absence: Verbal and written warning from the Director of AARC.

• Second unexcused absence: The rower will not be scheduled for the next week for which he/she requests to be scheduled. 

• Subsequent unexcused absences--As per the second unexcused absence with additional weeks for which the rower will not be scheduled.


ARC endeavors to make rowing accessible to the broad community.  Scholarships are available to those with financial need to support participation.

AARC is a 501(c)3 organization.  Donations made to AARC may be eligible for tax deduction.  Please check with your tax consultant.
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